A dark comedy monologue
By Tara Meddaugh

Cutting Down The Maple Tree.png

Kari speaks to her husband, Richard, by a chopped down maple tree in her back yard. She quickly admits she’s guilty of cutting down the tree, but relays how it has been taunting her, stealing her breath, trying to trap her. This should come as no surprise to Richard as she’s told him of this before. He has refused to do anything about it, but rather, has spent far too much time with “the tree.” Kari asks Richard not to judge her, as…she doesn’t think she knew he was passed out drunk under the tree when she chain-sawed it down (thus appearing to have injured, at minimum, his legs). Well, without the tree and his legs….at least no more distractions now. She looks forward to their fresh start together.

Genre: Dark comedy/drama/thriller
Cast: Female
Age range: 20-60
Setting: Back yard, near a tree
Time period: Present
Running time: Approximately 2 - 2.5 minutes
Noteworthy: darkly comedic, thriller, affairs, revenge, love, jealousy, metaphor


You got me, Richard! Guilty! I cut it down. This—this Maple tree. But, between you and me, we both knew it was coming. You know it’s been taunting me. Standing there with its slim branches outstretching toward me as if it wanted to—no—not hug me—but...slash me or trap me maybe.


I didn’t want to have to cut it down myself. I asked you to make it stop, didn’t I? I gave you a chance first. Even this morning, over coffee, I said, “That Maple tree is stealing my breath! How can I focus on my job and cook meals and train for the half marathon if that tree is suffocating me? Richard,” I said and then I burned my tongue on the coffee, “Richard, if I have to choose between that tree and having my own life, I’m going to choose to live!”


Why would I give up my life for that tree?


You were willing to do that though, weren’t you? To give up your life with me…to spend time with the…tree.


I can still picture you, sitting with your back against it, basking in its shade like a vampire, texting and whispering. I can—END OF EXCERPT

Click below for the complete digital copy of the monologue, Cutting Down the Maple Tree by Tara Meddaugh.