15+ minutes

A one-woman one-act play

Martha has reconciled herself to a childless, but contented, life with her husband, Edward. Yet when she’s unexpectedly blessed with a daughter, she begins to see the world through new eyes—not only in the excitement and vitality of her precious Sybil, but also in what society will withhold from her daughter, simply because of her gender. Martha’s own prejudices are put to the test when a strange creature arrives in their small town whom Sybil adores, but Martha fears: the second elephant in America, called Old Bet. Yet when a revelatory incident occurs between Sybil and Old Bet, Martha begins to see more similarities to the elephant than differences. Their relationship merges and diverges until a tragic end, but it also inspires hope and strength for bringing progress to the next generation.

The Eyes of Old Bet is the story of this elephant, but it is also the story of a mother and daughter finding a way to stand up for those who are not given the same privileges they are, reaching to gain more power of their own, and finding their voice.

Cast: Female
Age: 20s-70s
Running time: Around 20-25 minutes
Setting: Early 1800s. Somers, NY, a small rural town around 50 miles north of New York City. Kitchen, farm, path outside…
Genre: historical fiction, realistic drama, drama/comedy, family friendly
Content deals with: women’s rights, animal rights, circus, elephants, farm, immigrants, settlers, suburbs of NYC, mother/daughter relationship, prejudices, civil rights, finding your voice, legacy, strong female roles

Click here for a free excerpt to THE EYES OF OLD BET.

For the complete one-act one-woman play, THE EYES OF OLD BET, click below: