A monologue
By Tara Meddaugh
(c) 2020 by Tara Meddaugh

Joel has had enough of pretending to love Star Wars for his dad. He can handle eating some Star Wars donuts, but his dad has gone too far when he expects Joel to wear Jedi pajamas. Joel needs to break this tough news to his dad. Star Wars just isn’t for him. Captain Underpants is more his style.

Genre: Comedy/Children’s
Running time: Around 1 minute
Cast: Male/Female
Age range: 5 years old through teen
Setting: Joel’s bedroom
Time period: Contemporary




I tried Dad, I really tried. I watched all those movies with you and ate the donut holes you decorated like BB8. But these Jedi pajamas? I can’t do it anymore! I can’t keep pretending. You’re old enough to know the truth, Dad. So…the truth? I hate how Luke’s father is a bad guy and talks like he’s old and sick. I don’t like the love stories or how they keep fighting each other, and you say the aliens are funny and I’ll like them, but I just think they’re weird.


Aw, Dad…you’re not gonna cry, are you? I know this is hard to hear ‘cause you have a lightsaber keychain with sound effects, and on May 4th, you say—END OF EXCERPT

Click below for the complete monologue of "I Don’t Wanna Be A Jedi.”