New Kids' Dramatic and Comedic Halloween Monologue: “Boringest. Ghost. Ever.”

Written and delivered today, on Halloween, is my brand new (as in, an hour old!) monologue, Boringest. Ghost. Ever. This monologue is great for kids, even the young ones (ages 4+)! Children can play with the dramatic and comedic elements of this monologue and deliver a funny, and even a little spooky (but still family-friendly), performance! It’s a good length for kids, running about 1 minute and is suitable for any gender.

In the monologue, Ayla is frustrated that her middle-of-the-night visitor won’t play with her, won’t talk until the wee hours of the night with her, and won’t even tell her what her name is! Instead, this girl in the odd dress just keeps…well…standing there. Staring at Ayla. Being the boringest ghost she’s ever seen.

Enjoy the monologue, be safe tonight and Happy Halloween!



Why do you always come to my room if you never want to play? I have so much stuff to do in here, and I even got a new Lego set I haven’t opened yet, and we could stay up all night and no one would know!


But you won’t talk to me. Or even sing!


Are you gonna at least tell me your name tonight? So I don’t have to keep calling you ‘girl in the ripped up old dress?’ —END OF EXCERPT. CLICK BELOW for the complete 1-minute children’s monologue, BORINGEST. GHOST. EVER.