March 2023 Newsletter

Hello, Theater Friends!

It has been a while! Happy "all those holidays" I missed! The past few months, in addition to teaching theater, attending theater, and keeping up on my own theater, I visited a wolf sanctuary, immersed myself in a Harry Potter forest, and even squeezed in a family getaway to ski and snow tube! And now, our Blink-and-Miss-It Winter in the NYC area is basically over (that's fake snow in the photo!).

If you like updates more often, please follow my my
FACEBOOK PAGE as I frequently share new plays, monologues and videos there. You can also connect with me on Instagram where you'll get some theater updates, but also updates of my cat, our fig tree and random videos of things like laser tag or a polar bear cocoa bomb!

Now, let me catch you up theatrically! Check out this issue filled with 6 new one-act plays, 5 new monologues, 4 new compilations, 3 publication announcements, 2 photos of Kiwi (our family cat), and 1 monologue video.

Here's to wishing you all good, creative, joyful things in 2023 and beyond! 



Click here for the complete newsletter.