Character Breakdown

Cast: 11+ (1 male, 1 female, 8+ gender inclusive/neutral)

PENGUIN                                           Gender neutral/inclusive. Glides well on the snow globe ice rink. Might have a scarf. Always on the lookout for when the girl is near. Eager, if not wistful, for excitement and change.

ELF                                                      Gender neutral/inclusive. Elf takes position very seriously within the snow globe. Rule follower. Tries to keep all in order. Holds a Christmas present.

CHILD                                                 Gender neutral/inclusive. Human child dressed in outdoor winter attire. Holds a sled and hopes to be able to use it one day!                     

SANTA                                                Male. Holds typical red Christmas Santa bag. Married to Mrs. Claus. Needs to keep things in some kind of Christmas order but loves to make everyone happy.

REINDEER                                         Gender neutral/inclusive. Enjoys playing games and staying fit. One reindeer has a speaking role, but there may be additional non-speaking reindeer, or lines may be split among reindeer.
(1+ roles)

POLAR BEAR                                     Gender neutral/inclusive. Enjoys a good nap and fairly easy going and accepting. Holds the Christmas star.

SNOWMAN                                       Gender neutral/inclusive. Dreams of being a bit more fashionable.

MRS. CLAUS                                     Female. Loves to sing, bake cookies, nurture others. Married to Santa Claus. Holds a tray of cookies.

GINGERBREAD PERSON 1             Gender neutral/inclusive. Always with Gingerbread Person 2. Wears sweater with image of Christmas lights.

GINGERBREAD PERSON 2             Gender neutral/inclusive. Always with Gingerbread Person 1. Wears sweater with image of Christmas lights.

JACK-O-LANTERN                            Gender neutral/inclusive. Plastic Jack-o-Lantern Halloween toy. Longs to be part of the Christmas Snow Globe scene.