Visit my Children’s Read-Aloud YouTube Channel -

We will chat (well…I’ll ask you a question to answer to a friend or family member, and then share some myself)—then I’ll read a book we can enjoy together!

I’ll have fiction books for all ages—babies, toddlers, young kids, and older kids! I’ll do voices for the characters—I just can’t help it. Should the pigeon have a high squeaky voice or a dignified English accent? Hmmmm… So many choices! I’ll also have some non-fiction books, so we can learn fascinating things about penguins, sharks, trains, space, math, how to help protect our planet and more!

Along the way, we just might learn about carbon dioxide (what?) and sieves (what?) and egg teeth (what?). We’ll also talk about ways to be kind to others and how we can share our imaginations! So please join me! LIKE! SUBSCRIBE! And if you’d like to have a shout-out for your child in one of my videos, contact me here!

Check out some episodes here!

“I Will Surprise My Friend” by Mo Willems. Chat about ice cream in the mail, then enjoy a fun read-aloud where Piggie and Gerald’s game of “Surprise” doesn’t turn out how they imagine!

“I’m Trying to Love Math” by Bethany Barton. Chat about if you like Math or not, then enjoy a fun and educational read-aloud when an alien tries to convince us Math is lovable!

Creepy Carrots written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Peter Brown. Chat about what makes things creepy then enjoy a fun read-aloud where Jasper Rabbit discovers his favorite garden snack has started FOLLOWING HIM! Great for Halloween or any time!

“Santa Duck” by David Milgrim. Chat about how you feel when you help someone else, then enjoy a funny read-aloud when everyone seems to think Nicholas Duck is the jolly ole man himself! Special thanks to my guest-reader, 8-year-old, Luke B (he reads the role of "the cow!")!

"A Homemade Together Christmas" by Maryann Cocca-Leffler. Chat about finding a homemade gift, then enjoy a sweet read-loud where Luca struggles to find the perfect homemade gift for his family! (Stay tuned to the end to find out how to make an Experience Gift yourself!)

“Duck & Goose” by Tad Hills. Chat about how chicks are born, then enjoy the funny and sweet read-aloud of how competition turns to friendship.

“The Piggy in The Puddle” written by Charlotte Pomerantz and illustrated by James Marshall. Chat about saying funny phrases out loud then enjoy a fun read-aloud where Piggy tries to convince her soap-peddling family members that playing in the mud is great!

“Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs” as retold by Mo Willems. Chat about why dinosaurs are so fascinating and enjoy a funny read-aloud where Goldilocks finds herself in the wrong story!

“Fly Guy and the Frankenfly” by Tedd Arnold. Chat about sharing your chemistry set with a FLY and enjoy a fun Halloween read-aloud where Fly Guy’s gift for Buzz goes a little bit wrong!

”A Pet for Fly Guy” by Tedd Arnold. Chat about having a pet and enjoy a fun read-aloud when Fly Guy wants a pet of his own!

I'm a Frog by Mo Willems. Chat about using our imaginations then enjoy a fun read-aloud where Gerald gets nervous when Piggie acts like a frog!

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems. Chat about wearing pjs on rainy days then enjoy a fun read-aloud where a naked mole rat goes against his naked-mole-rat community by wearing clothes!

”The Jumblies” by Edward Lear, from the compilation book, "His Shoes Were Far Too Tight," masterminded by Daniel Pinkwater and illustrated by Calef Brown. Chat about making up an imaginary world then enjoy this whimsical read-aloud where jumblies set off on an adventure!

The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins and illustrated by Jane Chapman. Chat with Tara about what kind of climate you prefer, then enjoy the non-fiction book about the father penguin and his egg!

”A Big Guy Took My Ball” by Mo Willems. Chat about giving people the "benefit of the doubt," then enjoy the a fun read-aloud where Piggie wants a ball back from a very big guy!

Or browse the videos to the side!