A monologue 
Tara Meddaugh 

The Tooth Fairy explains to Harper why she was 4 weeks in retrieving Harper’s tooth. There’s a pretty good reason…and it kind of has to do with the stuffed panda bear Harper is sleeping with tonight…and Santa Claus. 

Genre: Comedy 
Cast: Female (could be male/gender flexible) 
Age range: Teen through any age adult 
Setting: Harper’s Bedroom 
Running time: Approximately 3 minutes 


AT RISE: Harper’s bedroom. Harper is sleeping, snuggled in bed with a stuffed bear. TOOTH FAIRY writes a letter to Harper. 


Dear Harper, 

Thank you for your tooth. I know it’s been resting under your pillow since…well… circa four weeks ago? Long enough for it to have split apart in two. We tooth fairies call that special occurrence “The Royal Tooth Split”. It’s incredibly rare, and my baby tooth fairy is most excited to use the two halves as perfectly sized snow shoes for herself. It’s impossible to find them of the same make and model, unless, of course, they come from a “Royal Tooth Split” such as yours! So she thanks you immensely too. 


But. Rest assured, Harper, my delay in retrieving your tooth was not intentional so as to create this Royal Tooth Split, although this is an unexpected perk. The reason I was late, so late, has to do with…well, I don’t want you to think ill of him, but it has to do with…Santa. 


You see, the baby boom of a few years ago coupled with many sick elves resulted in Santa’s toyshop being quite backed up this season. Around a month ago, I made the mistake of stopping by to have a cuppa tea with Sylvie, my favorite reindeer, and Mrs. Claus. Well, Santa popped over for a cookie and when he saw me, he…Oh Harper, he-END OF EXCERPT. Click below for the complete comedic monologue, Four Weeks Late: A Tooth Fairy’s Letter of Explanation.