Alfred and Lily and Their Marvelous Tank in the Forest, a 10-minute play - Youth

Alfred and Lily And Their marvelous tank in the forest.png
Alfred and Lily And Their marvelous tank in the forest.png

Alfred and Lily and Their Marvelous Tank in the Forest, a 10-minute play - Youth


When Alfred and Lily are evacuated from their pond and placed in a mysterious tank in the forest, they must decide if they should trust their “benefactors” or make an attempt to escape—before it is too late.

This is a 10-minute dark comedy play for 2 actors (1 m, 1 f), late teens to any age adult. The set is minimal, merely an impression of location (a tank in a forest).

This version of Alfred and Lily and Their Marvelous Tank in the Forest contains edited language in the first two pages to remove an adult innuendo. You may read a script excerpt here, which includes the edited pages.

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