One Love: The Bob Marley Musical to Open in England

My friends across the pond may be excited to soon experience the British premiere of a musical about one of the greatest musicians of the 20th Century, and one who even made his home in England for a time. One Love: The Bob Marley Musical opens on Friday, March 10, 2017 at Birmingham Repertory Theatre...

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Compassion, Empathy and Kindness: In Theatre and Beyond

Compassion and empathy are essential in theatre--from its inception at the written word to the performers, directors and production team. I love that it can be a tool used to dig into our humanity to pull out the recognition of ourselves in someone else--someone whom perhaps we never saw a connection to before. I'm not the only one who is attracted to the workings of a villain, of a hero with a fatal flaw, the person who does exactly what they should not do, but yet, we discover there is humanity beneath it all. Can this villain be redeemed? Can this villain show remorse? Could we say we would act differently if we were in that situation? If we were not only in that situation, but if we were that person?...

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Mothers In and Out of Theatre

If you're a woman in the arts (and we'll talk about theatre here), you are going to face many similar issues women in any field face, but it typically is compounded by an intimate environment, late or odd hours, no simple "Human Resources" department to turn to, and lines that blur far more easily than most fields...

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Does Your Siri Make You Smile: The Nuts and Bolts of AI Comedy

I wrote for a robot one summer during graduate school, one of about six part-time jobs I took between school years (along with university "telefunder," lab rat, health/fitness teacher to girls in the inner city, and data entrant). It was a fantastic experience to bring personality to a rudimentary AI creation and work with a team of writers and robotic engineers. Our robo-ceptionist had high hopes of becoming a lounge singer, had to navigate the world of dating a Chevy Impala, and still encountered arguments with her overbearing Motherboard--all the while having the map of the building on hand to assist visitors finding their way around the facility....

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Hiplet Making Headway: A New Dance Form Resonates with Millions

Don't you love it when art changes, morphs, and grows along with the culture, its people, those who speak out, speak up, or speak differently? Many do, but it is often a struggle for artists in any field to stand up and create differently initially.  This is ironic in a field based on creative expression, but critics, audiences, and artists alike sometimes have a hard time accepting new forms of something they have grown accustomed to (isn't this life for many, in general?).  There are many reasons for this, stemming more deeply than simply, "we fear change"--and how change comes about is not insignificant either--but I'm not going into that here. Having said that, judging by the millions of people viewing one new dance form (thanks, Social Media!), the masses may be ready to embrace this new artistic expression....

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It's The End of the World As We Know It...Or...It's Just a Radio Play...

What do you do when you think the world is ending? Not, like, metaphorically speaking here, but literally, aliens are invading, killing, taking over; human civilization is ending, as we know it.  We've seen the movies, of course, read the books, but what would you do if it were really happening, to you, to your town, your city? 20 miles or so from your very house where you're sitting, listening to the radio and sipping tea at 8pm? Do you really know what you would do?...

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3 Related Monologues for Children: Skunk Moms

Check out my new free comedic children's monologues below. Three siblings try to convince their mother that a skunk would be the perfect pet. The monologues vary slightly in length, making it a good fit for younger children as well as older children...

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Oh, the Drama of Halloween...

A lot of holidays carry with them an intrinsic dramatic flair, but Halloween is particularly begging for theatrical opportunities. Besides the fact that, hey, we're dressing up in literal costumes, wearing stage make-up, pretending to be someone else, getting to try out accents, mannerisms, have license to do some pretty dramatic things--dramatists go to some serious lengths to bring theatre to Halloween. Or Halloween to theatre....

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Is 46 the New 26 for Ingenues?

In a recent New York Times article, actress Melissa Errico, a dazzlingly beautiful, smart and talented woman at 46 (and any age for that matter) gives a thoughtful look into what goes into being the ingenue of the stage, her experiences playing those innocent, wide-eyed roles (how do they fall in love so quickly?), and what it means to take it on it from the perspective of a mom in her 40s.  With it, she poses the ever-present question for aging women (that means, um, all women) in acting:

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Beverly Hills 90210, The Musical: The Peach Pit Takes Center Stage

If watching musical (parody) remakes of your favorite, or not-so-favorite, guilty-pleasure tv shows appeals to you, then you're in for another treat. Yes, that's right. Beverly Hills 90210, the (gulp) musical is hitting Off-Broadway this September.  Bob and Tobly McSmith strike again in pulling at those kitsch ole heartstrings...

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"Claire, My Eclair": A new comedic/dramatic monologue

Okay, we all make mistakes. But some mistakes are, well, quite a bit bigger than others...Check out my new comedic/dramatic monologue in which Andres begs his ex-girlfriend to forgive him of one of those big "mistakes," and maybe, just maybe, consider taking him back. After all, he did what he did

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Calvin and Hobbes: Perfect Summer Reading

I was visiting my parents' house this summer which is always bound to stir up childhood memories, but I got a special burst of elated nostalgia when my 7-year-old son came to me with a comic book of mine he found at their house entitled, Revenge of the Babysat. Now, anyone who really knows the comic I'm going to talk about will immediately know who I'm talking about, and hopefully, it will bring about a huge smile for them too. I'm talking about the namesakes of that famous theologian who gave us Reformed Protestantism (touting Predestination), and the political philosopher who gave us social contract theory--yes, I'm talking about none other than Calvin and Hobbes.

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"Forgiveness and Defeat At A Pokémon Gym": A new comedic monologue

With all the craze of the augmented reality game, Pokemon Go, I would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge its success, dramatic relevance, and at least write a little monologue about it...So consider the first two points acknowledged, and check out my pokemon-related monologue below. This 1 minute monologue contains some comedy, some romance, some lightning bolts on a bike, and of course, some pokemon drama...Read the monologue below, entitled Forgiveness and Defeat at a Pokemon Gym.

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