"The Best Marriage Advice" on Unknown Playwrights Monologue Monday

Thanks to Unknown Playwrights for the shout-out about my monologue, The Best Marriage Advice, from my full-length absurdist dark comedy, Black and White and Red All Over (do y’all know what is black and white and read all over?). Playwright, translator and blogger, Bryan Stubbles writes:

You might be thinking that Meddaugh has become Unknown Playwrights’ resident monologuer. Not quite, but her monologues are pretty dang good. This monologue is classic Meddaugh, written in 1998 and brimming with her unique brand of humor.

The Best Marriage Advice is a fun stylized absurdist monologue where Georgia gives a newly-in-lust couple advice on keeping loved ones on leashes. You can find the free monologue here or watch a few video performances which Unknown Playwrights has compiled of The Best Marriage Advice.

If you like theater of the absurd, with timeless and relevant themes, check out the play from which The Best Marriage Advice comes, Black and White and Red All Over:

When Wife charges Husband with the perilous mission of finding her a new heart, his actions set into motion a series of unusual events, resulting in four strangers being left in his bathroom. One individual has a will, one has a makeup bag, one doesn’t know his name, and one has a gun. And no one has any idea why anyone else is there…